πŸ›Ž [TBB #125] Collaboration is the secret to quick growth, here's why...

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What I learned by promoting other people

If you've read my recent emails, you probably saw that I had been promoting Amy Porterfield's Digital Course Academy.

I did it because I've experienced her product firsthand and felt comfortable recommending it. But I also wanted to learn how she grows her brand and business. Here's what I found out...

Amy has a trusted brand in the online business industry. She has a stellar product and a team in charge of her promotions. But I think that the main contributor to her growth has been her distribution network.

She often collaborates with other influencers in the online business space bringing A LOT of value to their platforms. That lets her reach a wider audience and bring people into her own world.

She also offers generous affiliate relationships to people with smaller audiences, turning them into "super fans". Which again, expands her sphere of influence and grows her business.

My experience promoting her showed me concrete evidence to what I sort of knew. Tapping into other people's platforms and audiences is the power of collaboration and significant business growth.

You too can use this strategy by:

  • Offering a presentation to an organization for a group of your "ideal" clients.
  • Writing a guest blog or an article for a platform that will help you grow awareness about your practice.
  • Collaborating with a colleague on a Social Live.
  • Exchanging backlinks on your websites.
  • Hosting a local event (free or paid).
  • Offering your content, insight, etc. as a bonus to someone's online program, summit, or community.
  • Offering affiliate programs to your online products (if you have any).

You get the idea. Most importantly, you need to be OK with this collaboration being mutually beneficial. I say that because many of us feel protective of what we've built on our own and don't always feel like sharing.

And... It can be a lot of work. But it can also be the quickest way for you to grow and get your name out there.

And now to the news!


The Psychological Impact of Antisemitism

Lisa Mustard, the host of The Therapy Show, invited Malka Shaw, LCSW to talk about the current day antisemitism in the US.

In this powerful episode, Malka shares her insights on the concept of identity destabilization and the insidious effects of macro-gaslighting on the Jewish community.



Rent vs. Therapy

Due to increasingly rising costs of living, many Canadian Millenials and Gen. Zers find themselves having to make a choice between paying rent and seeking therapy.

For this demographic, therapy is becoming a luxury service they often can't afford.



Suicide Prevention Ministry

The actor Shia LaBeouf is the catalyst for the launch of a suicide prevention ministry "Redemption".

Founded by The Word on Fire Institute, the ministry is a resource for young men struggling with depression, suicidal ideation, or other mental health issues.



Marketing is often an uphill battle.

Especially when you don't have a team or external support. Being in charge of your outreach, SEO, email and social can be a lot of work. Even with a good strategy in place.

Collaborating with others on promotion can help you grow faster without a big financial investment. I encourage you to try this strategy and start by identifying your collaboration partners.

See you next week!


P.S. If you want help going over your ideas for collaboration and putting them into a plan of action, book a Marketing Power Hour with me.

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Hi, I'm Avivit Fisher, the creator of Therapy Business Brief.I've been helping therapists fill their private pay caseloads since 2017. Every week, I link mental health industry updates, marketing, and private practice strategies, so you can uncover the opportunities for growing your practice.

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