💚 Did someone share this newsletter with you? Subscribe here. Thank you to TBB Sponsors and Partners:The Therapist Integration Consult Group provides the education, support, and best practices for adding psychedelic therapies to your practice. ​Join to get access to peer discussions on ethics, marketing and clinical practice. NOTES FROM THE EDITORA bird-eye view perspectiveIn one of his latest interviews, Jerry Seinfeld said that "perspective" is the most important word in life. I agree with him, here's why. Without perspective, we can lose track of all the moving pieces in the world around us. We can get distracted or develop a single vision in business and life that can distort our sense of reality. When it comes to marketing, zooming out and looking at your whole strategy can give you clarity and show how every channel, effort, and activity is supposed to work together to achieve a specific goal. In private practice, the goal is to consistently attract new clients. We use SEO, Social, ads, outreach, and other tactics to do that, but we don't often have a clear understanding of the order, or in marketing terms, a "funnel" that helps us organize this process. To help you, Reader, I've created this diagram that shows how each marketing piece builds up on the other. Take a look at this visual and try to identify which parts you're missing in your marketing funnel. Let me know if this helps you see things from a different perspective. And now to the news! ​ NEWS, TRENDS & DATAVeterans turning to private careRecent reforms in the Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act and the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act open the door for veterans to access private mental healthcare. That means that private providers need to better understand the needs and the culture of this population. ​
Excluding Jewish Therapists26 therapists in the Chicago area have ended up on a "don't refer" list among other clinicians. The common trait of these blacklisted therapists is the fact that they are Jewish. The inclusive nature of the mental health space has stopped applying to providers and clients with a Jewish background. The article "‘Opposite of inclusive’: A look inside the increasingly hostile environment for Jewish therapists" explores this topic in detail. ​
Reducing the Communication Gap with ClientsA recent survey found that 75% of clients prefer online scheduling to scheduling by calling in. Many providers use online scheduling via EHR platforms but are still struggling with providing access to electronic forms and records for their clients. This article takes you through the communication gaps between providers and clients. ​
If you reached this sentence chances are you like this newsletter and I appreciate you for reading it! That's why I feel comfortable asking you to leave a testimonial about this newsletter so more therapists can plan for the unpredictable and succeed in private practice. Thank you for helping me spread the word! Keep growing, Avivit Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you:1. Work with me 1-on-1 to grow your therapy business. 2. Promote yourself to my subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter. ​ |
Hi, I'm Avivit Fisher, the creator of Therapy Business Brief.I've been helping therapists fill their private pay caseloads since 2017. Every week, I link mental health industry updates, marketing, and private practice strategies, so you can uncover the opportunities for growing your practice.
💚 Did someone share this newsletter with you? Subscribe here. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS AND PARTNERS Simple Practice is an all-in-one practice management software for running a simpler business and delivering a great client experience. Explore SimplePractice for up to 7 days. Afterwards, enjoy 50% off your monthly bill—including add-ons—for the next 3 months*. Get 50% off for 3 Months Today *Promotion ends on September 1st, 2024 NOTES FROM THE EDITOR What I learned from building mine A year...
💚 Did someone share this newsletter with you? Subscribe here. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS AND PARTNERS Simple Practice is an all-in-one practice management software for running a simpler business and delivering a great client experience. Explore SimplePractice for up to 7 days. Afterwards, enjoy 50% off your monthly bill—including add-ons—for the next 3 months*. Get 50% off for 3 Months Today *Promotion ends on August 31, 2024 NOTES FROM THE EDITOR Thoughts from last week When I left for a...
💚 Did someone share this newsletter with you? Subscribe here. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS AND PARTNERS Dedicate more time to therapy and less to marketing. Attract your ideal clients and grow your practice with Zencare. Book a FREE consultation today NOTES FROM THE EDITOR The path to passive income... is laid through a lot of hard work. Last year I finally launched my online course. After two years of preparation and a couple of failed attempts, the stars finally alined and I dedicated a few...