🛎 [TBB #116] The foolproof marketing strategy for your practice

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Prepare for the unexpected

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Meta platforms like FaceBook and Instagram got blocked and banned by the Russian government.

Frantic Instagram influencers started to desperately funnel their followers to the Russian-native Telegram platform. Large amounts of followers and incomes were lost in this process.

Now, with the TikTok ban looming in the US, the same fate may await the users who amassed big followings on the platform.

But the threat of losing your audience is not isolated to social media. Eventually, any marketing channel you currently use could betray you.

  • Google's algorithm changes can affect your SEO
  • A colleague's retirement can dry up your referral source
  • Inflation can put a damper in your advertising budget
  • And so on.

The only way to protect yourself from ending up in a similar situation as the Russian Instagram influencers is by having a marketing strategy with a multi-channel approach.

That means knowing exactly what type of clients you want to attract, outlining the best avenues to connect with them, and using different channels available to you for engaging with them.

My recent post on LinkedIn goes over a multi-channel strategy for a private practice owner.

​Take a look here and join the discussion.

And now to the news!



Suicide prevention AI tool

According to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the economic cost of suicide and self-harm is measured at $510 billion a year.

With the healthcare system not being well-equipped for suicide prevention, better preventative tools are needed to reduce the growth in suicide rates.

Christopher Molaro, a veteran and the founder of NeuroFlow, developed an AI powered platform that behavioral healthcare providers can use to keep track of their patients and assess their suicide risk.


Men's mental health in the Mortgage Industry

After the pandemic's real estate boom followed by the rising interest rates, professionals in the mortgage industry have been facing stressful challenges.

A recent survey found that 35% of men in the industry have experienced mental health conditions and were embarrassed to talk about them.


Sex therapist fined for cyber bullying

A UK Sex Therapist was fined £75,000 for carrying a damaging cyber bullying campaign against a competitor.

The judge labeled the intentional defamation campaign on Google and Facebook as "vicious and frightening".


That's it for this week. Do you have thoughts or insights about the articles I shared? Drop me a line, I'd love to know.

See you next week!


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Therapy Business Brief

Hi, I'm Avivit Fisher, the creator of Therapy Business Brief.I've been helping therapists fill their private pay caseloads since 2017. Every week, I link mental health industry updates, marketing, and private practice strategies, so you can uncover the opportunities for growing your practice.

Read more from Therapy Business Brief

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